Middle School Camps
Middle School programs are adventure based and designed to provide age related activities and increasing challenges as student’s progress through the years.
At NRAC we provide a quality venue and outdoor programs for Years 7 to 9 including:
Our school camp programs incorporate a range of adventure options which encourage students to move beyond their comfort zone and experience the rewards of achievement. Through challenge, at both a personal and team level, students experience enhanced self-esteem and confidence, improved communication skills and a greater sense of community with peers and teachers.
Year 7 Orientation Camp
The first year of high school is a period of great change in the lives of students. For many, their experience in the transition from primary to secondary education will influence their future academic and personal success.
The Year 7 Orientation camp is designed to address a number of key areas at this important time and at NRAC we provide opportunities:
Our Year 7 camps are generally site based programs of 2 to 5 day duration, offering a range of activities such as snorkelling, beach walking, boat trips, outer reef snorkelling, marine interaction, environmental lessons, guest speakers, night games and informal play.
These programs provide excellent groundwork for future Middle and Senior camps where students are offered more complex programs with increased emphasis on self-reliance.
Year 8 Camp
Our Year 8 camp programs are designed to the specific aims and objectives of the school. Camps generally incorporate similar activities to Year 7, but the program is enhanced to foster more teamwork, communication and self-confidence.
Many schools have a specific agenda they need to incorporate in the camp program based on current school issues, for example, an anti-bullying policy or personal development programs. The camp environment provides for a “captive” audience where teachers can provide more formal instruction, perhaps with the use of audio visual presentations, and this message is reinforced by the nature of the activity program.
For example, the Year 8 program may have an emphasis on team initiatives and other activities requiring interdependence among students for the success of the group. In these programs students learn that each participant’s contribution is vital if the group is to succeed in the task at hand.
Other school issues, like good attendance and positive behaviour, can be rewarded by offering School Camp.
The Year 8 program also provides students with greater confidence to explore physical activity and outdoor pursuits which, in the light of the current obesity epidemic, can only be a good thing for both the individual and the community generally.
These programs provide excellent groundwork for future Year 9, and Senior School camps where students are offered more complex programs with increased emphasis on self-reliance.
Outdoor Ed / Phys Ed
Outdoor Education/ Marine Science/ Cadet Camps
At NRAC we provide a range of outdoor education programs to support the National Curriculum.
Learning Outcomes
Programs for younger students have a strong emphasis on:
For older students our programs are more demanding and involve the following elements:
Students can undertake training in: